I still remember the chair I was sitting in on July 21, 1969, as I watched astronaut Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon. I was thrilled and enthralled. But little did I know how much that moment would change the way we see our lives and our work today.
Are you ready for a new, insight-provoking “Jolt” … something that challenges conventional thinking about the "right" mindset for being innovative? It's not that the conventional understanding is wrong - just limited.
Are you ready for a new, insight-provoking “Jolt” … something designed to “rearrange your molecules” as it elicits your unique, innovative potential in life and work?
If you’ve found yourself to this blog, there’s no doubt you’re aware of the critical need of the hour, which is to consciously co-create our future from a foundation of emotional intelligence, good character values, and wisdom-based knowledge.
Are you ready for a new, insight-provoking “Jolt” … something that challenges conventional thinking about the "right" mindset for being innovative? It's not that the conventional understanding is wrong - just limited.