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I woke up one morning and literally my brain hurt.
As I sat to meditate I kept thinking about the research that HeartMath has been doing for over 25 years. They’ve been studying the magnetic fields around the brain and heart. Through their scientific research as well as practical experience with over 30 professional disciplines, they’ve concluded that the magnetic field around the heart is 100 times faster, stronger and smarter than the magnetic field around the brain!
I couldn’t help but think “If my brain hurts, then why don’t I stop using it! Why don’t I use the magnetic field around my heart and tap into the real source of power!”
This isn’t a new thought for me. When I look back over the past 40 years, the times I have experienced real transformation in my life have been times when I tapped into my heart (or higher wisdom as I also like to call it) and used that as my motivating, guiding factor.
This idea of tapping into the magnetic field around the heart is also revealing itself in the research we’ve been doing since 2001, where we are studying the evolution of business paradigms. While there have been significant shifts in all aspects of business, one area that is especially intriguing, and relevant to this topic of tapping into the magnetic field around the heart, is the source of wealth creation.
From the mid-1850’s to the 1960’s, industry and tangible products were the major source of wealth creation. By the 1990’s, information had far surpassed tangible products as the source of wealth creation. Willis Harman, former futurist from Stanford Research and a board member for the University of California, said in 1997:
“[Around 1970], international exchanges of currency were almost entirely related to goods and services: the global economy was about what we used to call trade. Now the global economy is over 97 percent speculation in one name or another. Only about 2.5 percent of the exchanges have anything to do with goods or services or anything that is directly related to the well-being of human beings.”
Since the early 2000’s, a new source of wealth creation has started to emerge and that is knowledge. We are are now selling bundles of knowledge, rather than discreet packets of information. Think of big data – that’s information being contextualized and synthesized into something meaningful that can be sold in the marketplace.
So what’s on the horizon beyond knowledge? From science to psychology to spirituality, all indicators are telling us we are evolving to more expanded levels of complexity and consciousness very quickly. In terms of wealth creation, Patricia Aberdeen speaks about the next megatrend in her book Megatrends 2010:
“We’ve reached the point in economic history where human consciousness – the capacity for quiet, detached observation – is the raw material of innovation and, ultimately, of corporate money making. Consciousness is now as valuable to business as mundane assets like capital, energy or even technology.”
Patricia goes on to explain that when wealth is derived from a new source, such as consciousness, a new economic era is born. She believes that a new economic era is about to be born, which will be based on consciousness. Her description of consciousness is derived from a spiritual basis, “the awareness of awareness, presence, alertness, the willingness to observe without attachment, the gleam of Spirit that animates humanity.”
We’re starting to see indicators of consciousness as an emerging source of wealth creation in subtle, but important ways: Marketing from the heart. Conscious capitalism. Innovation with a conscience. Whole bottom line. Global brain. From transformation to transcendence. Business ashram.
So… what if our brain power is old technology? And what if our computer power is destined to be old technology in a few short years?
How do we prepare ourselves now for consciousness as the source of our wealth creation?
As I contemplate these questions, I can’t help but think of what my husband loves to say - it will take innovation and knowledge based in higher wisdom and human values to consciously innovate our future together.