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At its best, strategic thinking is a creative process that develops a long-term game-plan for manifesting a desired future.
The relationship between innovation and strategy is twofold: generating innovative strategies, and developing strategies for innovation.
The Strategize Your Future Consciously! workshop teaches scenario-based strategic thinking coupled with innovative thinking. Scenario-based strategic thinking is a highly creative approach that takes people beyond the traditional application of strategic planning frameworks. It produces a comprehensive, conservative, risk-spreading strategy that is capable of guiding the business forward in uncertain and complex times.
This workshop is an actual working session, where the participants formulate a strategy for a specific long-term goal of the organization – positioned across the uncertainty of 3 or 4 plausible scenarios of the future business environment.
The aim of Strategize Your Future, Consciously is to give leaders and teams the knowledge and skills to:
This program is intended for executives and senior leaders with any of the following responsibilities:
This workshop involves experiential exercises, as well as opportunities to apply the learning to actual on-the-job challenges. Participant materials include a self-assessment feedback report, an application booklet, and idea-generation techniques. The duration of this workshop is 2-3 days, including elements drawn from the Innovating with Style workshop. For longer term support, this workshop can be combined with consulting or coaching.
Contact us to Strategize Your Future Consciously!