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Position your organization for the complexity and uncertainty of the future by using a more innovative, less risky, approach to strategic thinking.
The purpose of strategy development is to guide and create a desired future. Thus, it is by nature a creative, innovative undertaking. And, the relationship between strategy and innovation is twofold: (1) Generating innovative strategies and (2) Developing strategies for innovation
Innovative strategies can include game plans for business growth, product launch, creating new knowledge, marketing, etc. Strategies for innovation can include a long-range blueprint for different types of innovation (including product, process, talent/knowledge, organizational or stakeholder innovation).
Both require an approach that integrates the art and discipline of innovative thinking and the innovation process.
We use a creative, scenario-based approach to strategic thinking that takes people beyond the traditional application of strategic planning frameworks. It produces a comprehensive, conservative, risk-spreading strategy that can guide a business forward in uncertain, complex times.
We can guide you in developing innovative strategies and strategies for innovation through our Consulting, Innovation Searches and Workshop: Strategize your future consciously!
Contact us to make your strategy development process more innovative and less risky!