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William C. Miller's blog

Do We Innovate as Technicians or Humanitarians?

Do We Innovate as Technicians or Humanitarians?

I still remember the chair I was sitting in on July 21, 1969, as I watched astronaut Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon. I was thrilled and enthralled. But little did I know how much that moment would change the way we see our lives and our work today.

The Spirit of Creativity

The Spirit of Creativity

In the mid-1980s I was fortunate to have met and studied with Angeles Arrien (1940 – 2014), a world-renowned cross-cultural anthropologist who studied indigenous people and their cultures around the globe, and was beloved by thousands.

Innovating "Heaven on Earth"

Innovating "Heaven on Earth"

When I helped to co-found Values Centered Innovation over 10 years ago, we had a mission: to help transform the way the world innovates. 

The Tedx talk that never saw the light of day

The Tedx talk that never saw the light of day

Preparing for and delivering a Tedx talk is an amazing experience, and I’m thankful that so many people around the world are having a chance to experience that.

Navigating with wisdom on the stormy waters of 2021

Navigating with wisdom on the stormy waters of 2021

2020 was a year that we didn’t see coming. Our vision was blindsided, our foresight clouded

While there are many, many lessons to be learned from this year of 2020, it’s that the days are over for having the world slow down enough to allow a carefully engineered cruise to well-defined outcomes.


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