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View all of our courses and services
Sign up for free mini-courses
at our eLearning school
Have you had a sense that your talent development programs could have a richer impact, but didn't know what to do? Or, have you ever wanted to light a fire under your talent development programs without burning up your budget?
If you enjoy delving into research that stimulates deeper thinking about your talent development programs, this mini-course is for you!
In this course, Debra Miller presents a summary of research conducted in Australia focused on Learning and Development in the Knowledge Era. You’ll be able to download and study in-depth the full 84-page research report "Life-Based Learning" plus a wealth of additional resources.
With this course you'll gain insights about how to upgrade your talent development programs so they fertilize each participant to grow as a whole person. And, you'll gain a greater wisdom in the process. You'll be delighted with your transformed training and so will others!
Sign up for FREE and jump right in to the mini-course!