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Energize innovation

Innovation drugs anyone?

Innovation drugs anyone?

As I continue to work with organizations, I am finding a trend in the type of questions my clients are asking about innovation, namely – how do we enable it in our day-to-day? 

Innovation starts with a new idea - myth or fact?

Innovation starts with a new idea - myth or fact?

It’s often said, “Innovation starts with a new idea.” We beg to differ. To us, innovation has a breathing rhythm – an inhale and an exhale – and creative ideas are the beginning of the exhale. The question is, where did the air for the exhale come from? What precedes creative ideas?

What difference does innovation make?

What difference does innovation make?

I recently attended the “Open Innovation 2016” conference put on by the Marcus Evans group. Open innovation refers to people collaborating and partnering with others outside of their organization to cultivate innovative solutions to various opportunities and challenges, such as new product development, quality and marketing.

Awakening the Creator Within

Just before the turn of the new millennium, I wrote the following opening lines to my 3rd book, Flash of Brilliance:

Confessions of an "unaware" idea suppressor

Even though I love to come up with new ideas, I was thoroughly surprised to discover that I was unknowingly suppressing other people’s ideas.

What motivates us to innovate?

What motivates us to innovate?

I was having a conversation with some colleagues in Bangalore and one of them mentioned that he believed service organizations were not innovative. They seem to develop their services and then stick with them. Whereas product companies are much more innovative.


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