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Strengthen executive sponsorship of innovation

Strengthen executive sponsorship of innovation

Fortify executives to develop innovative strategies and metrics that motivate stretch goals and conscious risk-taking.

Senior leaders develop and master two roles: Sponsor of the climate and culture for innovation; and Executive focused on the “return on innovation investment” as part of business performance. This program draws from 7 core modules, fortifying the ability to:

  • Establish and promote a common language and understanding for innovation
  • Inspire a sense of meaning and motivation for what, why and how each person innovates
  • Engage stakeholders to make wise, informed decisions about the future
  • Optimize your “innovation premium” by growing both tangible and intangible assets
  • See the wisdom in different paradigms for enabling innovation, and integrate the best of each
  • Provide clear focus, urgency, and guidance for cultivating an innovation culture across 16 factors

The supportive analytics in this program are:

  • Innovation Mindset, Behaviors and Opportunities (I-MBO)
  • Group Climate for Innovation (GCI), with 8 qualities
  • Innovation Culture Profile (ICP), with 16 key factors

Strength-based self-assessment includes:

  • Human Values, with 3 orientations

Contact us to strengthen your executive sponsorship of innovation!